The governor’s order comes three days after he strongly urged nonessential businesses in the state to shut their doors to blunt the growing coronavirus pandemic. And we need to respond with the appropriate decisive measures,” Sisolak added. “This is a pandemic of devastating proportions. If this doesn’t work, they will face appropriate civil and criminal penalties as a result of their inaction.” “I hope and I pray that our businesses and our business leaders understand the magnitude of this situation,” Sisolak said during a Friday news conference, conducted via Facebook. Steve Sisolak on Friday ordered a mandatory shutdown of most nonessential businesses in the state, his broadest action to date in response to the spread of COVID-19 illness. (Elizabeth Page Brumley/Las Vegas Review-Journal) CITY - Gov. located on 911 East Charleston Boulevard in Las Vegas on Friday, March 20, 2020. Pedestrians walk pass the recently boarded Crown Electric Tattoo Co.